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Is Your House a Home or a Storage Unit?

Our homes should be a place where our family and friends gather. A place where memories are made. 

Do you invite people over?

Is there room to have a meal together?

Does your family feel welcome to stop by any time?

Is there room for everyone to sit and visit?

Is your cleaning routine easy to maintain because of the simplicity of your home?

If you are unable to answer yes to these questions, now is the time to change that. 

Decluttering your home is a continual process. The results won’t happen overnight but are worth every bit of effort. 

Deciding to live more simply reaps generous benefits. 

First of all, our cleaning routine becomes much more simple. When we aren’t spending hours tidying things and dusting knick-knacks, we have the freedom to do more things we enjoy. 

Also, clutter free environments reduce our stress levels. Don’t underestimate the power that our environment has on our mood. Make your bed before you leave your room in the morning, and you will give yourself an automatic mental boost of satisfaction. 

white bed linen with white pillows

When our cleaning routine is simplified and our stress level is lower, we are more apt to invite friends and family over. We are more comfortable having guests when we are not preoccupied with messes and clutter. 

Once we begin the process of decluttering, we soon realize our priorities and what is truly important. Our homes then begin to reflect what matters most to us. 

The Minimalism Checklist : If your house is feeling “overstuffed” this blog post may help inspire you to begin the process of simplifying your home. 

Your home is a place to make memories, invite guests, and build relationships. 

woman standing in front of table

“The home that is supposed to be our sanctuary, our haven from the chaos outside, is full-to-overflowing with things that drown out the peace we are craving.” –Melissa Michaels

Eliminating the chaos and restoring peace is crucial for our mental health and our connectivity to the ones we love.

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