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Everything you need to know (& more) to say ‘Yes’ to GET OUT OF OVERWHELM

Included in our full-service:

  • a team of professional organizers who are ready to expedite the work that has been bogging you down in overwhelm
  • full service, expedited project management
  • basic cleaning of project spaces 
  • flow & efficiency planning
  • removal of up to 100% of the project burden limiting your decision fatigue

Pending package:

  • product sourcing, shopping, exchange and return 
  • donation drop off &/or pick up 
  • excess trash & recycle haul off
  • access to our trusted resource partners
  • travel time
  • aging in place expertise

These things are what our clients value most in our services.

Step 1 – Discovery Call (up to 15 minutes)

A phone chat to:

  • discuss an overview of your project
  • determine if our services are a match for your project needs

Schedule your call today.

Step 2 – In-home consultation (Up to 60 minutes)

A walkthrough tour to:

  • determine the general scope of your project
  • establish project outcomes
  • provide a project package recommendation

Step 3 -Comprehensive Assessment & Plan

Establish project outcomes, set measurable goals, set boundaries for editing, illuminate product preferences, draft project phases, estimate timeline, etc.

Step 4 – Sort, Edit, Organize

This phase will consider space, function, and flow, determine product preferences & needs

Step 5 – Contain, Label, Review

Your purposeful remaining belongings are thoughtfully contained and labeled to assure easy maintenance

All projects vary in scope. Aspects considered in estimating how many sessions a project will take include but are not limited to:

  • clarity of client goals and desired outcomes at the onset of the project
  • volume of items
  • number of spaces 
  • ease of access to spaces
  • process steps required to complete each space (see “How long with it take?”)
  • willingness of the client to allow KHO to use our tried and true efficient processes
  • decision making speed of the client
  • interruptions
  • timely follow up by client for action items between sessions
  • availability of organization products

Clients have different needs and that is why we offer 3 levels of support to choose from.

Do you need the team to do the work, an expedited timeline, and the talent to make your project run like clockwork?

  • Our done-for-you, full-services start at $2000.

Maybe you want to do it yourself, but you don’t know what to do or don’t know where to start, and just want someone else to figure out the game plan and guide the project?

  • Our organizing blueprint services start at $1500.

Allison’s 25+ years of rehabilitation background in the field as a physical therapist assistant coupled with her 9+ years experience as a home organizer and business owner are the perfect combination to set you up for success in a home that serves you.

Her superpower –
She understands how functional mobility changes over the lifespan and how to maximize your home environment to support you.

Along with decluttering and organizing your physical space, she and her team set up systems and adaptations to maximize independent living and foster preparedness for the transitions of aging.

As an adult in mid-life herself and as an adult child supporting aging parents, she has direct insight into issues facing the aging population and their adult children who are trying to support their parents’ independence for as long as possible.

The cost of project-related products is NOT included in your service estimate.

As a courtesy to our clients, we source and shop for all organizing products necessary to complete your project on your behalf.

We do this in order to acquire the right products in a timely manner and remove the responsibility and burden of this time-intensive, detail-oriented process from our clients.

The cost of products will be estimated and are in addition to our service fees.

A deposit is due prior to the start of your project to allow product ordering to begin.

At the end of your project any excess product deposit will be returned.

If additional funds are required for your project beyond the initial product deposit, that will be due prior to acquiring the additional product.

The cost of organizational products typically ranges between 25-50% of our service fees depending on your desired design aesthetic.

We do NOT upcharge products.

No. In fact, we’d prefer if you didn’t – that way we can see how your space typically looks and how you’re currently functioning in it.

This gives us true “start here” insight.

The goal is for us to identify problem areas and look for solutions.

We have a 100% No Judgement Guarantee!

That is up to you.

Many of our clients have work or other responsibilities and are not able to be on-site during our sessions.

Our consultation is thorough to allow us detailed insight into your goals and parameters for this project which frees you up to do you.

Your involvement is needed during the initial assessment & planning stage and periodically throughout the project to make editing & final decisions.

Our process allows you to hand over the work to our team reducing physical and decision fatigue for you.

Our goal is to set expectations at the onset of the project to provide clarity for all and to limit decision fatigue on your part.

No, you won’t “have” to.

Part of the aim of our services is to help you minimize what does not serve you and maximize what does.

That often means establishing boundaries to see where things fall in this spectrum for you.

Each client is different and there is no cookie cutter answer, but in general, it is in your best interest for you to make the decision to let go of things that do not serve you.

The final decision is always the client’s and we never discard anything without your permission. 

We will cheer you on and support you every step of the way as you make decisions on whether to toss, donate, or recycle your unused items that no longer serve you. 

In one word “S-I-M-P-L-I-F-Y.”

You may be familiar with the minimalist movement. In it’s truest sense, it is only having what you need so you can be free to focus on what is important to you.

Needless to say, that looks different to different people.

And, it can be taken to extremes, so our perspective and methods help you evaluate what things serve you.

From our perspective, there are levels of essentialism or minimalism.

You determine how many levels you want to move on that spectrum towards having a house and home that serves you.

Are you:

  • overwhelmed?
  • don’t know what to do?
  • don’t know where to start?
  • don’t or can’t do the work required?
  • ready to partner with a professional?
  • willing to consider your situation from a different perspective?
  • embarrassed to have company over?
  • in need of a jump start and momentum to get you going?
  • willing to evaluate what is important to you and if the items in your home support those values?
  • prepared to make changes to simplify your home and life to better serve you?

Then you are likely a fit for our professional home organization services.

Because the nature of home organization project success requires full commitment to achieve maximum benefit, payment is due in full prior to scheduling, along with a product deposit.

This type of project requires clients to be all in, fully committed and ready mentally and emotionally to make change.

Clients do have the option of breaking up larger projects into 2 payments.

We accept payment by cash, check, debit or credit card.

Our number one priority is creating systems that are beautiful, functional, and easy to maintain. 

The Knoxville Home Organizer team customizes systems and makes product choices with you in mind.

We offer our best tips and practices so that you can maintain your organized spaces long after our team has left.

We also offer refresh packages for any organizational updates or seasonal support you need.

Simply use our Contact Form to reach out to us to schedule your discovery call!

From there, we can give you all the details you need to make a decision on working with Knoxville Home Organizer.